Globalization as a Means to Unleash Your Startup’s Full Potential

Globalization as a Means to Unleash Your Startup’s Full Potential

Globalization as a Means to Unleash Your Startup’s Full Potential 3887 2591 Accelingo

Competition for customers is no long a localized phenomenon. As the globalization trend continues, it’s important for startups to extend their reach to international markets. Discover how your startup can utilize globalization to reach its full potential.

Why Globalization Matters to Your Startup

Chances are that your startup focuses on a specific market.

But, it’s also likely that those living in international markets would welcome your brand with open arms if given the chance.

Globalization gives them that chance.

As a startup, taking a global approach will help you reach new audiences around the world to establish a solid reputation in these varied geographic areas.

The main benefits of going global are straightforward: increased sales and increased profits.

And then there are the benefits from economies of scale as well as the ability to overcome low growth or a plateau of growth in your local market.

How Multilingual SEO Helps You Reach International Markets

For most startups, globalization starts with multilingual SEO.

This specialized SEO strategy focuses on reaching international markets, including those in other languages.

Multilingual SEO is closely related to multiregional SEO. In fact, the two are all but indistinguishable when used correctly.

Although the approach, like all other SEO strategies, is multi-faceted, it boils down to a few key factors.

1. Identify Target Markets

Just because Chinese is the most spoken language in the world doesn’t mean that it’s right for your brand. Take the time to research which markets you brand has the most potential in—and what these markets look for in their content.

2. International SEO Structure

International SEO website structure has a huge impact on your globalization efforts. Google Search Central outlines the pros and cons of the most effective URL structures (ccTLD is typically most effective).

3. Global Keyword Research

Search Engine Land’s guide to international SEO emphasizes the importance of global keyword research. Now, the basics are similar to traditional keyword research, but take the different way in which words and phrases are used regionally in to consideration.

Remember that while Google is the most popular search engine in the world, it’s far from the only search engine people use.

In fact, Baidu in China and Yandex in Russia are more commonly used than Google in their respective geographic areas, according to an analysis by Net Marketshare.

Depending on the markets and languages you decide to target, it’s beneficial to expand your international SEO efforts to more search engines than just Google.

The Importance of Professional Translation

Think about it this way—how likely are you to read a poorly translated webpage?

If you come across content in English that was obviously translated from another language, there’s a very slim chance you’ll give it the time of day.

The same goes for people speaking other languages living in other countries.

It’s obvious to them when online content was translated hastily without a thought for the reader.

Even the most well-executed multilingual SEO strategy won’t get you results if the translated content itself isn’t top-quality.

That’s exactly why professional translation is so important.

A skilled professional translation service will adapt your content for your target language/market/region.

Not only does this make the content more readable and engaging, but it also takes local customs and culture into practice to avoid offending readers or otherwise turning them away from your brand.

Just as important is to create easily translatable content.

Not only is this content simple and straightforward, but it also clearly puts across your tone and brand image, so that these can be replicated across other languages.

Localization is Still Important for Globalization

Many startups seem to think that a focus on globalization means forgoing localization—this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In actuality, taking a global approach means expanding your reach to international markets while still producing localized content in these new regions.

That’s a big reason why direct translation is a no-no.

The way you write content for English speakers living in the United States is totally different from the way you should write content for Russian speakers living in Russia.

A culturally-sound adaption of your written content is vital to get across your intended message while appealing to the emotions and values of your international audience.

Local SEO Me’s guide on local and global SEO is a helpful resource to unpack the differences and similarities between these two strategies.

A Smart International SEO Plan with Professional Translation Will Kickstart Globalization

It’s true that not every startup even wants to go global.

But there’s no denying the benefits of taking your idea to a global audience. Done right, globalization is almost sure to kickstart major growth for your startup.

The key is developing a well-planned international SEO strategy with well-written professionally-translated content that hits home with a global audience.

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