Technical Translation Services: How to Get Quality Translations

Technical Translation Services: How to Get Quality Translations

Technical Translation Services: How to Get Quality Translations 4000 3000 Accelingo

Why Your Startup Needs Expert Technical Translation Services

Technical translation services require a specific approach to the content of the documentation both by the writer and the translator in order to guarantee a high-quality end product. It is necessary to be aware of the specifications of the service and how to select the right translation agency for your project.

What Is Quality in Terms of Technical Translation?

Technical translation is the leading branch of translation services by output. In his “Studies in Translatology,” Geoffrey Kingscott has estimated that more than 90 percent of all professionally translated work is done by technical translators.

It is essential to know that technical translation differs significantly from the other form of translation services offered. It requires substantive knowledge in the subject matter of the document and, in general, takes longer to complete than other types of translation.

Technical translation includes the translation of technical documents in a variety of spheres—medicine, engineering, science. The documentation can be in the form of manuals, user guides, technical reports and the like, which feature industry-specific terminology and neutral tone of the language.

In this sense, the quality of a technical translation is measured by the accuracy of translated terminology and clearness of the text. The final user should be able to follow the instructions in the technical document without having to reconsider ambiguous phrases or statements.

The Audiopedia gives an excellent definition of technical translation in their YouTube presentation titled “What is TECHNICAL TRANSLATION?” The video focuses on the importance of this type of service noting that the purpose of the translation and the intended audience are factors that can be used to measure the quality of the translation.

Successful technical translators are professionals in the specific industry they translate for and quite often have their primary educational certification and qualification in the field. They are aware of the specific terminology and of the regulatory framework and can save you millions by providing valuable guidelines and advice.

How to Support the Quality of Technical Translation Services?

When it comes to technical translation, there are certain best practices to follow in order to avoid losing quality. Technical documentation is an essential part of your startup’s international market penetration strategy, as it defines the scope and purpose of your products and/or services.

It is of high importance to have technical content written accurately, clearly, simply, and to the point. Using technical writers is a factor that will contribute to the overall quality of the text and thus facilitate translation.

At the very least, you need to follow the principles of technical writing if you want your LSP to be able to translate the text properly into any foreign language that you have identified as significant for your business growth.

Jody Byrne, author of Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation, points out that by using the same constructions, texts obtain a visual consistency that reduces the amount of processing needed by readers, speeds up the retrieval of information and facilitates problem-solving and learning.

Your aim as a startup is to speak the language of the target user both figuratively and literally. By selecting the right translation teams for your technical translation project, you can achieve recognizability of your brand and consistency in the message you send.

The Benefits of Automated Translation Software

A translation agency specializing in technical translations will be able to provide a service tailored to your startup needs. In time, with the enhanced level of partnership between your business and your translation provider, you will also be able to reduce costs while maintaining the same consistent, high level of quality translations.

The introduction of automated translation software can facilitate the overall translation processes. Technical content is quite suitable for the use of translation memory (TM) and glossaries since it is quite structured and free from idioms and cultural nuances. The language used is the standard official language of the country rather than a specific local dialect.

Certain CAT tools can help the technical translator reduce the turnaround time of a given translation, which is crucial for shortening time-to-market and can be the difference between failure and success. In addition to that, automated translation software will help reduce translation and localization costs for future projects.

The Other Side of Technical Translation—Software Strings

Technical translation services are not limited only to purely technical content. The translation and localization of apps, programs, and software are also part of this subset of translation services.

The challenge of this translation lies in the knowledge of how software strings are interpreted by a program and how to adapt them to the needs of a different language. Technical translators in this field have extensive experience in professional website translation services and have the necessary technical know-how to guarantee the quality of the final product.

Consistent high-quality translation services of your startup’s technical documentation and other content are essential for your market growth. A trusted LSP can be an invaluable partner to help scale localization and increase your ROI. Learn how to identify the right translation vendor for your business by downloading our free whitepaper on “40 Questions to Expect from a Translation Agency”.

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